An Australian genealogy research business. Interested in watching your family tree grow? Let us discover your ancestry for you! Free help also available, see website for details.
Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) - Search for Genealogists Based in Australia
The Association of Professional Genealogists, established in 1979, is an international organization that supports professionals in genealogy-related businesses. APG encourages genealogical excellence, ethical practice, mentoring and education. The organization also supports the preservation and accessibility of records useful to the fields of genealogy and history. Members of APG agree to abide by a code of ethics in their profession.
Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) - Search for Genealogists Specializing in Australia
The Association of Professional Genealogists, established in 1979, is an international organization that supports professionals in genealogy-related businesses. APG encourages genealogical excellence, ethical practice, mentoring and education. The organization also supports the preservation and accessibility of records useful to the fields of genealogy and history. Members of APG agree to abide by a code of ethics in their profession.
Australian Genealogy research facility, based in Western Australia.
Professional ancestry research company for families with UK, American or Australasian roots.
Professional genealogical research services - probate genealogy, tracing heirs, family history. Based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia but researching throughout Australia and elsewhere.
Family History Hub & Genealogy Global
Family History Hub are a group of historians & professional genealogists researching family & local histories. We use a combination of traditional genealogy & genetic (DNA) genealogy (if available) to discover your family’s ancestry. Our aim is to present the most accurate picture we can to bring you the stories of your ancestors. We have extensive experience in all spheres of genealogy & are committed to helping adoptees find their ancestral roots. We are passionate about the back-stories of your ancestry, weaving in-depth research with traditional genealogical facts & genetic genealogy with the social & local history during the times your ancestors lived, loved & died - let us help you discover who’s hiding in plain sight in your family tree!
Family History Research by Annalies Nutley
Based in Queensland, Annalies provides a professional service of genealogical research in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. She maintains connections with many professionals in the field and therefore can facilitate research or connections in areas that are out of her range of expertise. Annalies has a passion for uncovering the mysteries of your past and therefore offers discounted research to pensioners and low income families.
GEN-FIND Research Associates, Inc.
Specialists in genealogical research for Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Through an extensive agent network, GEN-FIND is able to also conduct research in Europe, Asia, and South and Central America. Services include family history research, forensic/probate genealogy with particular emphasis on 20th/21st Century and complex pedigree problems.
Genealogists.com is helping people connect to their past through our dream team of over 860 professional genealogists, geneticists, historians, analysts, and university professors/scholars. We work on site in more than 1,500 locations and archives all over the world.
Australian based genealogical research.
Genie1 - Family History Research & Coaching
Australian & UK genealogical research service based in Australia. Online tutoring to enable you to research your own Australian &/or UK family history.
Graham Jaunay - Australian Ancestral & Local History Researcher
South Australian genealogist and local historian, Graham Jaunay, a history graduate of the University of Adelaide, a life member of the Australian College of Educators, a Fellow of the SA Genealogy & Heraldry Society, an adjunct lecturer in genealogy at Flinders University and a member of the Australasian Association of Genealogists & Record Agents. His experience goes back to 1968 with his own family research. Adelaide Proformat provides a quality service which basically falls into five fields: researching general consultancy and their family history/genealogy research services; locating documents and their recovery including a lookup service for popular records; drafting family charts or trees; writing, editing and publishing books on local and family histories; presenting seminars on a wide range of family history topics.
Great Aunty Alice's Researhers
Great Aunty Alice is a directory of family history researchers based across the UK and around the world. Whatever stage you are at with your family tree, whether you need help with a small specific problem or would like someone to carry out extensive research, Great Aunty Alice has an array of researchers for you to choose from.
Guthrigg Genealogy - Faye Guthrie's Home Page
Professional research services and genealogical information on Australian shipping resources, Australian Wills and Inquests, Convict ships.
Professional historian and public speaker, Helen Doxford Harris specialises in 19th century Aboriginal, police, criminal, court, goldfields and women
After many years as a historical researcher, Ben Hollister identified that many of his clients wanted to undertake and present their own research, but did not have skills in graphic design, book layouts, image manipulation and repair and event management to best present their work and could not afford many of the mainstream services. Many more did not have effective research or computer skills but had found class based teaching did not suit them. Wanting to offer a cost effective way for historical researchers to access these services and improve their skills, he began coaching and mentoring clients to better undertake and present their own research. Since then, History Helper has added services such as large format printing (perfect for family charts), archive and collection management, scheduled group training, and history walks and tours. We are genealogists, historians, event managers, photographers, archivists, editors and systems analysts. We can help you undertake research, prepare your work, plan your event, and organise your records. Located in Park Holme, South Australia.
Specialising in Australian family history research, digital photographic restoration & family reunions.
Australia » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
37 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers