International Centre for Convict Studies
For the study of penal transportation and convict experience within the British Empire from 1600-1940.
Lincolnshire Convicts Transported to Australia, Gibraltar and Bermuda
Lincolnshire Archives Index of Convict Records 1788 - 1868.
In 1948 Australia signed an assisted passage agreement with Malta, the first that Australia had made with any country other than Britain. This resulted in large numbers of arrivals, peaking in the 1950s, with many hundreds travelling on the SS Asturias. The site includes a passenger list.
Mariners and Ships in Australian Waters
Indexes transcribed from the Australian Archive Office Reels of the Shipping Master's Office, Inwards Passengers Lists concentrating on 1870s. The lists include crew, passengers, deserters, births/deaths, stowaways, etc.
Penal transportation records: Ireland to Australia, 1788–1868
From the National Archives, Dublin, Ireland.
Information regarding the brig Indian from Falmouth in mid-1843 bound for Launceston, Tasmania; the Emigrant sailed from Plymouth on 9 August 1850 bound for Moreton Bay; and more on emigration, etc.
Scottish Archives Network - Virtual Vault - Emigration Records
Searchable online database. Between 1852 and 1857, the Highlands and Islands Emigration Society assisted almost 5000 individuals to leave western Scotland for Australia.
Ships Logs, Journals, Pictures and Passenger List Links - Australia and New Zealand
How to look for ships' logs, journals and pictures, for Australia & New Zealand.
State Archives and Records NSW - Assisted Immigrants Index
Assisted immigrants arriving in Sydney and Newcastle 1844-59, Moreton Bay 1848-59 and Port Phillip 1839-51. The term 'assisted immigrant' refers to those people whose passage was subsidised or paid for through one of the several assisted immigration schemes which operated to New South Wales from the United Kingdom and other countries.
Assisted Immigrants (digital) Shipping Lists - State Archives & Records, New South Wales
Immigrants arriving in Moreton Bay (Brisbane), 1848-59; Port Phillip, 1839-51; Sydney and Newcastle, 1844-59; Sydney, 1860-79; Sydney, 1880-96.
State Library of Queensland - British convict transportation registers
Over 123,000 out of the estimated 160,000 convicts transported to Australia are recorded in this database. These include prisoners sent to New South Wales, Van Diemen
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