Adoption trace specialists based in Ireland. Anyone trying to trace birth parents or adopted children in Ireland know the difficulties involved in finding a parent or relative. We can help you to find out family history, medical history etc.We will obtain a background for you also, including family members, siblings etc.
GeneaLOGIC Family Research Services
This website is the home of professional genealogist John Vanek. Located in Minnesota, Vanek specializes in helping people like adoptees and the children of sperm donors from across the United States identify their biological parents. (He identified his own anonymous sperm donor father in 2015.) Vanek, who has a master's degree in history, also offers traditional genealogical research as well as writing and editing services. The site features a blog with stories from Vanek's own family and some of this clients as well as how-to posts about DNA testing, genealogical research, and family history.
Experienced and credentialed genealogy services, specializing in adoption investigation, locating family, unknown parentage research, family tree building, and DNA testing analysis, with extensive knowledge in Native American and Acadian heritage. Genesis Genealogy Services, LLC is located in Tampa Florida, services are available throughout the US and Canada, in English, French and Greek.
Chillicothe, Ohio. OHIO adoption searches for biological family members and genealogical support and assistance in locating your missing loved ones.
Independent researcher specialising in finding birth parents/family, lost friends or relatives.
How do I find my family? Adoption and Birth Family Research
Researchers specialising in adoption and family research for adults who were adopted in the U.K.
ISRR - International Soundex Reunion Registry
ISRR - International Soundex Reunion Registry, Inc. is a mutual consent reunion registry serving families since 1975. Registration is free. ISRR is a 501(c)3, tax exempt, non-profit corporation reuniting adoptees, birth parents and others separated by adoption, divorce or other means. With well over 200,000 active registrations the volunteers and staff process matches nearly every day.
Jane's Genes Central European Genetic Genealogy Resources & Adoptee Assistance
Central European genetic genealogy, with a focus on Hungary and Burgenland, Austria. Adoptee resources, guides, and success stories.
Joe Collins Private Investigator
Adoption searches by private investigator in the state of New Jersey, in New Yory City and in any other location when a name is provided.
Juli Claussen, Search Professional and Genealogist
Specializing in adoption and missing people searches. Special resources for Illinois adoption searches, but services are not limited to one state. Missing family members, ancestors who were adoptees and missing heirs. Pro bono work as well.
Kindred Connections Genealogy offers a variety of genealogical services, specializing in Manitoban and Canadian records, focusing on adoption and recent unknown parentage cases.
Look 4 U - The Family and Friends Adoption Site
Designed to offer FREE research to anyone who has lost family or friends in the UK and is looking to be reunited.
LookupUK.com - Lookup United Kingdom - I am a UK Adoptee
Comprehensive guide for UK and Ireland adoptee searches. Beginner information.
North East Post Adoption Service
Adoption search services.
NYCBISS Home - New York City Birth Index Search Service
Using the last digits of your amended birth certificate we do the tedious job of matching those numbers to your original birthname. We also provide a variety of public information lookups using library and archive resources. This work is done the old fashioned way by digging with a sensitivity to our clients needs.
PeopleFinderNow.com, missing persons. adoption, online searches
Links to hundreds of databases and other search related resources primarily focused on adoption, locating adoptess or birth parents, missing persons and skips. Many free links plus fee based searches. Located in California.
Project Roots and the Canadian War Children of World War Two
Project Roots is a voluntary agency based in the Netherlands which reunites Canadian Veterans with the British and European War Children they left behind at the end of World War Two.
Research Etc., Inc. - Adoption Searches: Find Birth Parents and Family with Adoption Search Services
Research Etc., Inc. has been very successful in reuniting birth families in Arizona and all over the United States. Whether you have scads of information or virtually no information surrounding the adoption, we can help. Because our firm specializes in adoption search work, we are very sensitive to the emotional issues surrounding triad members (adoptees, birth family, and adoptive family.) Our goal is to uphold the highest moral standards by considering the wishes of all involved.
Reuniting People - Aussie & UK Angels
A group of researchers dedicated to tracing and reuniting people, finding lost family and friends.
Adoption » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
50 Links
Disclaimer: Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers