Adopted? We Search for Birth Parents, Adoptees, Birth Families, Siblings
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A licenced professional researcher (also an adoptee/adoptive parent, both reunited) located in Ontario, expertise across Canada, New York State, California and Great Britain. Over 20 years experience. References can be supplied.
A Michigan adoption triad informational site.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
A pay-for-use service.
Professional searcher specializing in California adoption searches and reunions.
Adoption Search and Reunion Arizona Confidential Intermediary - Allen Investigations
Former law enforcement officer and now confidential intermediary CI authorized by the State of Arizona to conduct post adoption searches and reunions. Guaranteed results and low cost.
Adoption Search Services specializing in Missouri and Kansas.
Adoption Searches & Investigations
London, Ontario, Canada. Licensed, bonded, adoptee search agency. Adoption articles & links. Searches in Canada only. Contact Anne Patterson.
Resources for Lake County, Illinois; Illinois; historic law; post-adoption; continuing education; and forensic genealogy. Debbie Mieszala is a professional genealogist and popular lecturer for genealogical seminars and institutes.
I am now a licensed private investigator in both Arizona and California, and I specialize in post-adoption searches and reunions. My investigation services range from finding birth parents for people who were placed for adoption up to complex homicide investigations. When it comes to adoption services, I have helped over 3000 thousand people with successful reunions, and I know I can get you answers. I am certified by a Division of the Supreme Court in Arizona to open sealed adoption files.
Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) - Search for Genealogists Specializing in Adoption
The Association of Professional Genealogists, established in 1979, is an international organization that supports professionals in genealogy-related businesses. APG encourages genealogical excellence, ethical practice, mentoring and education. The organization also supports the preservation and accessibility of records useful to the fields of genealogy and history. Members of APG agree to abide by a code of ethics in their profession.
AZ Adoption Records Finder - Arizona Confidential Intermediary
Certified Confidential Intermediary Arizona. As a Confidential Intermediary, I am able to open court records, agency records and even the original birth certificate. My mission is to help reunite the adoptee with their biological family.
Find birth parents and biological family with our award winning team of professional genealogists and research specialists. Birth Parent Finder is known for specializing throughout the U.S. in searching for birth parents, siblings, or adopted children and reuniting them with their birth family.
Professional investigation service specializing in locating birth parents and adoption reunion search.
Adoptee, birthparent, and birthfamily searches and reunions. Specializing in CA, OH, TX, KY, and also other state resources.
California adoption search and reunion specialist.
California Post Adoption Reconnection
Birthfamily search and reunion service.
Catholic Child Welfare Council
United Kingdom. Services for adopted people and others formerly in our care, including child migrants.
Clever Genetic Ancestry offers assistance with complex research projects, introduces those seeking their biological parent(s) to their ancestors and living relatives, and provides educational opportunities to learn about sources and tools to use for successful family research. This is accomplished through focused research of available historical documents and public records, analysis of DNA test results and correlation of evidence while adhering to the Code of Ethics of the Association of Professional Genealogists. We also offer lectures and small focus groups to discuss best research practices and the use of DNA as genealogical evidence.
The DNA Hunters team finds birth parents of adoptees and others with unknown parents.
DNAngels - Search Angels For Adoptees, NPEs and Donor Conceived| Search Angels to Find Birth Parents
A nonprofit search angel organization dedicated to assisting individuals searching for their biological parent(s) using DNA interpretation, mapping, and extensive research. For clients struggling with news of a Non Paternal Event (NPE, also referred to as Not Parent Expected), donor conception, or adoption, we offer support and fellowship in our private online group.
Adoption » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
50 Links
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