Military & Aviation Research 1914 -1919.
We provide a service to process applications for the UK for WW2 to present day (British Army/Royal Navy/RAF) Service Records and Medical Records. The records received can be supplied in easy format so that the reader can fully understand the complete document. Many people come to us with failed applications which we have a good rate success to sort. We also supply WW1 reports and handle sensitive issues relating to military families, in confidence.
fourteeneighteen/research: professional help for British army service records 1914-1918
Research into soldiers of the British Army of 1914-1918.
Based in Camberley, United Kingdom. Professional research of officers and soldiers of the Great War (particularly the Irish Regiments) at the British Public Record Office. Research also done on the pre WW1 British Army.
Golden Arrow Military Research, Military Research Service
Tracing the steps of individual military veterans who served in WWI, WWII and the Korean War, showing where they were and what they did during their military service.
Professional services for those seeking servicemen of the British Army of 1914-1918.
Researching the Lives and Service Records of WW1 Soldiers
A professional research service into the lives and records of soldiers who served in the British or Indian Army during the First World War. With helpful guides to enable you to conduct your own research.
Soldier Research Service - Kathryn's History Blog
A personal service researching soldiers from the First World War. With competitive pricing, Kathryn will write a custom report detailing the life and war service of your ancestor and provide you with all their surviving records. Based in Gloucestershire, England.
Tom Tulloch-Marshall - World War One - The Great War - Military Research Services
military operations and personel research specialising in the great war / WW1, army, navy, RFC, RAF, at the Public Record Office London.
World War One Photos and Postcards
Pay for copies service of named individuals in British service found on old photos and postcards.
World War I: The Great War » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
11 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers