The Archives of the American Field Service and AFS Intercultural Programs. The American Field Service was founded in France during the First World War as an ambulance service staffed by Americans. The AFS Archives consists of over 300 cubic feet of archival material, including documents, photographs, and memorabilia. The Archives is located in New York City.
British Red Cross Museum and Archives
London, England.
Missouri Digital Heritage : Soldiers' Records: War of 1812 - World War I
Database abstracted from the individual service cards and listing more than 576,000 Missourians who served in the military from territorial times through World War I.
NARA - National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis - National Personnel Records Center
The U.S. repository of millions of military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century.
National World War I Museum and Memorial
Kansas City, Missouri.
The National Archives | Exhibitions & Learning online | First World War
Sources for the First World War held by The National Archives and the Imperial War Museum in the United Kingdom.
The Tank Museum - Home of the Tank - Archive & Reference Library
Located in Bovington, Dorset in England, the Tank Museum's Archives & Library includes the War Diaries covering virtually every regiment of the Royal Armoured Corps in the Second World War. In addition, they hold Rolls of Honour for both the First and Second World War plus casualty cards from the Second World War, regimental histories, & personal papers.
University of Wisconsin Digital Collections
Promoting the Wisconsin idea by providing professional leadership in the creation of quality digital resources from libraries and archives for faculty, staff and students, citizens of the state and scholars at large.
The WWI Collection provides a sampling of UW-Madison's World War I Special Collection. Materials digitized for this specific Brittingham grant-funded project include a broad range of materials such as maps, periodicals, bound and unbound pamphlets, broadsides, publications for the troops, cartoons, and illustrated magazines. The complete collection is available in the Special Collections Department of Memorial Library. Most of these materials were acquired by the University during or in the immediate aftermath of the war, and they represent a direct and often very passionate or partisan viewpoint of that conflict. These are primary sources, the raw materials of history, and they bring the first great worldwide conflict of the twentieth century to us in an immediate way, without the viewpoint provided by intervening years.
World War I: The Great War » Libraries, Archives & Museums
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