Subscription genealogy websites such as Ancestry.com and Fold3.com (formerly Footnote.com) provide a tremendous service by placing digital record images online and thus increasing our access to these records. Unfortunately, occasional errors in imaging, programming, or organization defeat the purpose of these websites by limiting our ability to access some of the records. This wiki exists to notify genealogists of such errors, so that we can view the relevant records until the errors are corrected.
The Ancestry.com Wiki is made up of four kinds of fantastic content: The Source: A Guidebook to American Genealogy; Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources; Other great Ancestry.com content; Content added by you. This wiki is a free service of Ancestry.com.
Anyone can list their research on this cooperative Wikicity site: details on worldwide subjects and individuals
FamilySearch Research Wiki is intended as an online community for family history researchers and those interested in learning how to be more successful in the search for their ancestors.
GenealogyWiki.org - Shared History
Share your genealogy research with others and work toward building a shared family tree.
A genealogy wiki host.
The Wiki - Family Tree Forum's Reference Library
A resource for the genealogist with loads of information on how to search, useful resources and family history information, freely available for editing by all registered members.
The world's largest genealogy wiki.
Who's Your Daddy? Wikigenealogy
Family tree hosting services, genealogy research and missing persons.
What makes WikiTree.com special is its unique Trusted List system. Unlike most wikis, you don't give up copyrights and you control who can access and edit each individual profile page. This enables families to privately share memories, photos, and sensitive information. But the profiles still exist on an interconnected worldwide family tree, so you get the benefits of collaborating with distant relatives and connecting your research with that of others. 100% free. Started in 2008 by the creator of WikiAnswers.
Any WikiTree profile or page can be categorized. Categories help you organize your own family history, help connect genealogists whose family histories intersect, and help historians who are researching specific subjects.
Projects are collaborations for specific topics between WikiTree members.
Wikis for Genealogy » General Resources
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