Convert Canadian Legal Land Description to Latitude and Longitude
Find land in Western Canada (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba) subdivided by the Dominion Land Survey (DLS) and the Alberta Township System (ATS).
Glossary of BLM Surveying and Mapping Terms
From the U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management.
Handbook for Surveyors (Google Books)
By Mansfield Merriman, John Pascal Brooks, 1895
Interpret and Write Descriptions of Land: The Public Land Survey System
Lesson template from the BLM
Measuring America: How the United States Was Shaped by the Greatest Land Sale in History
A book by Andro Linklater.
Converts deed 'metes-and-bounds' into a Plat of Survey for use with digital maps and GPS devices. This free, cloud-based application works with Google Maps to produce overlays for mapping programs like Google Earth, GPS devices, online printing services or shared with others.
Metzger + Willard, Inc, a civil engineering firm has provided a free application that runs in Google Earth version 5.0 or later. (PLSGE) This application provides Township and Section lines as an overlay on Google Earth as well as an overlay for the Principal Meridians and Baselines. PLSGE has search capabilities for Townships and Sections.
Weights & Measures » Land Descriptions, Measurements & Surveys
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