Ask Numbers - Metric and Imperial Unit Converters and Conversion Tables
Conversions between different metrics of length, weight, temperature and more.
English Customary Weights and Measures
Explains the origins of the system still in use in the United States.
Information on many areas of measurement including historical.
Gamla svenska mått / Old Swedish Measurements
Weights and measures.
German Genealogy: Old Units / Flächenmaße
Translation table of old to contemporary units of measurement. Includes area, length, volume, weights, counts, speed, coins, & worldwide measurements.
How Many? - A Dictionary of Units of Measurement
How many cloves in a stone? How many bushels to a seam? This is an encyclopedic listing of current, historical, and obscure measurements from around the world.
Index of Imperial Russian Weights & Measures
In order to find and use specific types of Russian records, resarchers need to be able to identify and understand some key terms in the Russian language. This glossary contains terms relating to weights and measures in Imperial Russia, transliterated from Russian, along with their English translations. The terms included here are those that you are likely to find in Russian genealogical sources.
Norsk Forlishistorisk Forening - Gamle norske måleenheter (Wayback Machine)
Information on old Norwegian units from ancient to modern times.
Includes area measures and surveyor's chain measures.
Historical Metrology - England
Old English units of measurement.
Historical Metrology - Prussia
Old Prussian units of measure.
Historical Metrology - Scotland
Old Scottish units of measure.
Weights and Measures of the City of Winchester, England
The City of Winchester is fortunate in having in its keeping the oldest surviving set of standard weights, the oldest standard yard measure and a fine collection of other ancient measures and weights. These bear witness to the historic association of the name 'Winchester' with English measures of capacity.
Weights & Measures » General Resources
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