GenDisasters.com - Events That Touched Our Ancestor's Lives - Wyoming
GenDisasters.com, chronicles the events that touched our ancestors' lives - train wrecks, fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, mining explosions, ship wrecks, drownings, and accidents. Transcribed newspaper accounts, excerpts from historical books and photographs detail hundreds of life's tragedies that our ancestors' endured, from the 1800s to the 1950s. New material is being transcribed and added daily. Searchable. [The original link is gone. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Heart Mountain Interpretive Center, Heart Mountain Foundation, Wyoming
The Heart Mountain, Wyoming Foundation, HMWF, has worked to preserve the site of the Heart Mountain internment camp located near towns of Powell and Cody, Wyoming.
Mountain Men and the Fur Trade
Sources of the History of the Fur Trade in the Rocky Mountain West.
During its use as a federal and then state penal facility (1873-1903) more than 1,000 men and 12 women did time at the Wyoming Territorial Prison.
United States » Wyoming » History & Culture
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