University of Wisconsin - Green Bay - Archives and ARC
A series of databases from the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Area Research Center. Belgian pedigree charts submitted by individuals of Belgian descent. A comprehensive index was created with approximately 4000 names. The index includes every name on every chart, not just those of Belgian descent. The databases also include: Brown County Citizenship Records, 1829-1984; Brown County Plat Map, 1875; Brown County Wills and Probate Case Files, 1821-1976; Calumet County Citizenship Records, 1850-1955; Kewaunee County Circuit Court records, 1858-1950; Kewaunee County Citizenship Records, 1850-1950; Manitowoc County Citizenship Records, 1848-1955; Oconto County Wills and Probate Case Files, 1857-1952; Outagamie County Citizenship Records, 1852-1963; Outagamie County Probate Case Files, 1853-1958; Shawano County Circuit Court Records, 1860-1961; Shawano County Court Records, 1921-1946.
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