Amazon.com Genealogy Bookstore - Vital Records
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
International Vital Records Handbook
A book by Thomas Jay Kemp.
American marriage laws in their social aspects
A digest by Fred Smith Hall, Elisabeth W. Brooke, published 1919. Includes a breakdown of marriage laws by topic and by state.
Ancestry.com Wiki - The Source: A Guidebook to American Genealogy
The Source: A Guidebook to American Genealogy is a reference book published by Ancestry Publishing. The first edition was published in 1984 and was edited by Arlene H. Eakle and Johni Cerny. A revised edition, edited by Loretto Dennis Szucs and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking, was published in 1997. The current edition, the third, was published in 2006 and was also edited by Szucs and Luebking. In 2010, Ancestry.com digitized the content of The Source and made it available in wiki format as one of the foundational sources for the Ancestry.com Wiki. Each chapter has been broken into one or more series of articles. This wiki is a free service of Ancestry.com.
Ancestry.com Wiki - Overview of Vital Records
This article originally appeared in "Vital Records" by Johni Cerny, BS, FUGA in The Source: A Guidebook to American Genealogy This wiki is a free service of Ancestry.com.
Visitors contribute birth record information to this site.
Visitors contribute death record information to this site.
Deaths of U.S. Citizens in Foreign Countries
From the earliest days of the republic one of the duties of U.S. consular officers was to report to the Department of State the names of U.S. citizens who died within their consular districts. These death reports commonly provide acceptable documentation in the English language for cases in which satisfactory proof of an American death might be very difficult to obtain in any other form. From the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
eBay Listings: Births, Marriages, Deaths
Online auction service for buying & selling.
Free Genealogy Tools: State Vital Record Lookups
A selection of free state databases for births, deaths, marriages and divorces.
Genealogical.com - Vital Records $
The online store of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. & Clearfield Company.
Legacy QuickGuide: Understanding US Vital Records $
The Understanding US Vital Records Legacy QuickGuide
Online Searchable Death Indexes, Records & Obituaries - A Genealogy Guide
a directory of online death indexes listed by state and county. Included are death records, death certificate indexes, death notices & registers, obituaries, probate indexes, and cemetery & burial records. Also included is information about searching the Social Security Death Index online.
A directory of public record resources found on the net including business information, corporate filings, offenders, inmates, criminal / civil court filings, vital records, property records, unclaimed property, professional licenses and much more.
This is a site where people can browse, donate, and get copies of vital records FREE.
ThoughtCo - Vital Records Online by State
Learn how to obtain vital records (birth, death, marriage, adoption) for each state and territory in the United States. Includes addresses, fees, and links to free, online vital records indexes and databases.
United States Birth Certificates
United States Birth Certificates is a privately owned and operated Birth Certificate expediting company. The birth certificates ordered by our company are certified certificates, complete with raised embossed seals. They are issued by the state from which you are ordering.
Information and guidelines on acquiring vital records information in the United States. Includes state and county contact and pricing information.
United States » U.S. Vital Records » General Resources
25 Links