Central Texas Genealogical Society
Waco, Texas. Serving Coryell, Bosque, Falls, Hill, Limestone, McLennan & Milam Counties.
Descendants of Austin's Old Three Hundred
To apply for membership, you must complete an official, original application and proof that your ancestor was one of Austin's Old Three Hundred, such as a copy of his/her Land Grant. Names, dates, and places must be given for both father and mother of all generations connecting you to your Old Three Hundred ancestor. Each relationship, date, and place must be proven by birth certificate, marriage license, death certificate, census records, wills or other acceptable documents.
East Texas Genealogical Society
Tyler, Texas. Representing Anderson, Gregg, Henderson, Panola, Rusk, and Smith counties.
Genealogical Society of Hispanic America-Southern California
Founded in 1992 to promote Hispanic genealogical and historical research with a focus on the American Southwest (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas) and Mexico.
Houston, Texas.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Texas
Jurisdictions for the IOOF, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
North Texas Genealogical Association
The purpose of the North Texas Genealogical Association is to promote and preserve genealogical and historical data of Wichita Falls and the surrounding area including Archer, Baylor, Clay, Hardeman, Jack, Montague, Wichita, Wilbarger, and Young Counties in Texas.
Polish Genealogical Society of Texas
Organized in 1982 to promote genealogical research among individuals of Polish heritage. Goals of the society are to unite Polish researchers, share information, publish Texas research for previously undocumented and unexplored areas, educate others on Polish-Texan history, sponsor trips to Polish Settlements in Texas, sponsor workshops on historical and genealogical topics relevant to Poles in Texas.
Provides information on membership, activities, Cemetery 911, and a system for cataloging cemeteries in Texas.
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