Texas GEDmatch Ancestors 1800s (Facebook)
This is a private genealogy group for individuals who are interested in collaborating on their family tree with distant cousins from all over the world. We love to share... we love to help. Sharing your free DNA GEDmatch kit number and family tree is the easiest way to meet your distant (sometimes close) cousins in this private group. It is mandatory that you have a free GEDmatch account\ DNA kit number to be a member of this private group. We have over forty admins and moderators to help and assist you in our 55+ private FB Groups with matching GEDmatch and Relative Finder private projects.
TX-COTTON Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in cotton farming in Texas and their ancestors who participated in it.
TX-CW-10thCav Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in the role of the 10th Texas Calvary during the Civil War.
TX-CZECH Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical interest in the immigrants from Czechoslovakia to Texas in the 1840-1930 timeframe.
TX-LUTHERAN Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For genealogical interests in the Lutheran church in Texas from pre-Republic times to the mid-1950s.
TX-OILGEN Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical interest in the people who participated in the Texas Oil Boom (1901-1930s).
TX-POLISH Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical interest in the immigrants from Poland to Texas in the 1840-1930 timeframe.
TX-SHARECROP Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical interest in Texas sharecroppers and the problems in tracing them.
TX-VETERANS Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical interest in those who signed up for military service in Texas and/or participated in military operations in Texas during the Indian Wars, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish American War, and World War I.
TXGW-NEWS Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
A read-only mailing list for those researchers who are interested in receiving The TXGenWeb Project News and Review newsletter.
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