50states.com - Texas State Information Resource
A list of general information for each state, including a list of colleges, state symbols, links to maps, newspapers, and other miscellaneous state information.
Contact information by county.
Links to the web sites of various levels of judicial courts in the state.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Introduction to the Republic Claims
The Republic Claims series of Comptroller's records includes claims for payment, reimbursement, or restitution submitted by citizens to the Republic of Texas government from 1835 through 1846. It also includes records relating to Republic pensions and claims against the Republic submitted as public debt claims after 1846. The files include supporting documents such as vouchers, financial accounts, military records, receipts, notes, or letters.
United States » Texas » Government: City, County, Province, State
9 Links
Resources for government, courts, and courthouses. See also the sub-category for Laws & Statutes.