Archival Resources of the Virginias (formerly Virginia Heritage)
A consolidated database of finding aids that provides information about the vast array of manuscripts and archival materials housed in Virginia and West Virginia.
Bibliographies and descriptive research notes to print, newspaper, manuscript, and archival collections. Includes: African American and Native American resources; Biographical and Genealogical; Births, Deaths, Marriages (Vital Records); Business and Economics; County and City Research, including Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky; General Reference; Government Information and Legal Resources; Historic Virginia Government Records; Maps and Architecture; Military Service; Newspapers and Magazines; Tax Records; Virginia History and Culture; Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants; Women's History.
External resources to which the Library subscribes. Most provide access to recent and current newspapers, magazines, journals, and the like. Many of these tools, also arranged by topic, are accessible outside the Library with the use of a Library of Virginia or Virginia public library card.
Virginia Colonial Records Project
Online searchable index to nearly 15,000 reports that survey and describe documents relating to colonial Virginia history that are housed in repositories in Great Britain and other European countries. The survey report images are available online, and there are references to microfilm reels for the original documents.
Virginia Memory, Library of Virginia
Digital collections including photographs, maps, archival records, or art work.
Virginia Museum of History & Culture
Owned and operated by the Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia.
United States » U.S. State Level Records Repositories » Virginia
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