Access Genealogy - Pennsylvania Census Records
Census links for online census research.
Ancestry.com - Pennsylvania, U.S., Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1772-1890 $
Original source: Jackson, Ronald V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. Pennsylvania Census, 1772-1890. Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., African American Census, 1847 $
Original source: African-American Census of Philadelphia. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania: Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Search Census and Voter Lists
US, UK, and Canadian census records. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Pennsylvania Census, 1772-1890
AIS indexes. Original source: Jackson, Ronald V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. Pennsylvania Census, 1772-1890 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 1999. Original data: Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.
Ancestry.com - Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880 $
This database contains U.S. federal non-population schedules from 1850-1880 for the following states: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington Territory. Non-population schedules contained in this database include agriculture, industry/manufacturers, social statistics, and supplemental schedules. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Ancestry.com - U.S. Federal Census Collection
Browse by census year, state, county, township. Census images available with fee-based subscription.
Ancestry.com - U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880 $
Original source: U.S. Census Non-population Schedules, including Agriculture Schedules, Industry/Manufacturers Schedules, Social Statistics and Supplemental Schedules for Alabama, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington Territory. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com Wiki - Census Records for Pennsylvania
This entry was originally written by Roger D. Joslyn, CG, FUGA, FGBS, FASG for Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources. This wiki is a free service of Ancestry.com.
Archives.com - Search For Pennsylvania Census Records $
Use Archives.com with a FREE 7-day membership and search over 2.1 billion records. Pay-for-use after the seven day free trial.
Census Project (USGenWeb) - Pennsylvania
This site lists where volunteers are needed for transcription. The state pages give both links where there are censuses that need to be transcribed and links to completed transcriptions.
FamilySearch - Pennsylvania Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880 FREE
This collection comprises a name index and images of mortality schedules from the state of Pennsylvania,1850-1880. Mortality Schedules were created in conjunction with the United States Federal Census and list persons who died in the year preceding the census.
United States » Pennsylvania » Census
66 Links
See also: U.S. Census