Ancestry.com > Card Catalog > USA > New York > Suffolk $
A list of all databases for this county. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
FamilySearch Wiki - Suffolk County, New York.
Free online genealogical research guide for Suffolk County, New York.
Genealogical Repositories in the New York Metropolitan Area
JGS has prepared a comprehensive list of repositories and resources in the metropolitan New York region. The lists include addresses and contact information to more than 100 significant research resources in New York City, New York State, and New Jersey.
Huge database of material concentrating on Long Island, NY genealogy and family history. Contains both primary and secondary material - celebrating 15 years on the net and millions of visitors.
New York State Unified Court System > Courts in Suffolk County
Links to and contact information for all the courts in New York state, and also for each county in New York.
United States » New York » Counties » Suffolk (Long Island) » General Resources
14 Links