Kanisteo Valley Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution
Steuben County New York Daughters of the American Revolution website. Contact information and history and photos of the Kanisteo Valley.
Painted Hills Genealogy Society
Serving Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua & Steuben counties in New York and McKean & Potter counties in Pennsylvania.
Steuben County Historical Society
The SCHS was established to preserve the record of human endeavor in this part of New York's southern Tier for the enjoyment and edifications of its people and those generations yet to come. The Society's mission is to collect, catalog, and preserve the historical artifacts, archival items, books and other published material relating to the history of Steuben County. The Society seeks to make its collections relevant to the public through exhibits, lectures, school class visitations, special educational events and publications.
United States » New York » Counties » Steuben » Societies & Groups
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