100 Years After the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
From the PRI radio program "The World". Provides photos, text and an audio narration about the 100th anniversary of the tragic fire.
History of some of Manhattan's Irish neighborhoods, including Five Points and the Old Fourth Ward.
Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition
A group spearheading the creation of commemorative events.
Turtle Bay is a historic neighborhood located in New York City, New York bordered East 43rd to East 53rd Streets and eastward from Lexington Ave. to the East River. This site is that of a neighborhood association dedicated to preserving and protecting their neighborhood. It features a history of the area with illustrations, a detailed map and names of famous past and present residents.
WGBH American Experience . Triangle Fire | PBS
From PBS' "American Experience" television program. The program can be viewed online. Includes interactive maps, transcriptions of original documents such as newspaper coverage of the event.
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