Bataan-Corregidor Memorial Foundation of New Mexico, Inc.
Includes the names of those who served with New Mexico's 200th and 515th Coast Artillery (Anti-aircraft) units.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Genealogical Society of Hispanic America
Hispanic Genealogy research in New Mexico, Colorado, Mexico and the south west.
Genealogical Society of Hispanic America - Southern California Chapter
Focuses on Hispanic research in the American Southwest & Mexico, including the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, & Texas. Lectures, research days, books, genealogical writers group, & networking.
Genealogical Society of Hispanic America-Southern California
Founded in 1992 to promote Hispanic genealogical and historical research with a focus on the American Southwest (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas) and Mexico.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - New Mexico
Jurisdictions for the IOOF, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
New Mexican Hispanic Culture Preservation League
Our Mission Statement: to preserve the heritage, Spanish language and history of Hispanic New Mexico; to promote the education and understanding of the contributions of Hispanics to the development of New Mexico and the Nation; and to protect the history of the New Mexican Hispanic heritage and culture.
New Mexico Genealogical Society
New Mexico Genealogical Society Blog
A blog for the New Mexico Genealogical Society, an organization that serves genealogists and family historians who are searching for their New Mexican roots.
Primeras Familias de Nuevo Mexico
From the New Mexico Genealogical Society.
South Central Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG)
Membership in APG is open to any person or institution willing to support the objectives and the APG Code of Ethics. Membership in the South Central Chapter is open to any APG member. Our members are located primarily in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arkansas.
United States » New Mexico » Societies & Groups
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