GenDisasters.com - Events That Touched Our Ancestor's Lives - New Jersey
GenDisasters.com, chronicles the events that touched our ancestors' lives - train wrecks, fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, mining explosions, ship wrecks, drownings, and accidents. Transcribed newspaper accounts, excerpts from historical books and photographs detail hundreds of life's tragedies that our ancestors' endured, from the 1800s to the 1950s. New material is being transcribed and added daily. Searchable. [The original link is gone. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
New Jersey History's Mysteries
Dedicated to all the little known and mostly forgotten people, places and events that make New Jersey the interesting state that it is. Pirates, politicians, murderers and heroes have all made their way through New Jersey's history, and the stories and photographs posted here document their journeys.
NJPineBarrens.com - The Pine Barrens
History, legends, exploring the ghost towns of southern New Jersey.
Includes historical information on Burlington, Camden & Gloucester.
United States » New Jersey » History & Culture
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