Amazon.com Genealogy Bookstore
New Hampshire and New England.
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.-
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries New Hampshire and Vermont
A book by John H. Long.
City Directories: New England States 1881-1902
A CD-ROM by Ancestry.
Digging for Genealogical Treasure in New England Town Records
A book by Ann S. Lainhart.
Directory of Repositories of Family History in New Hampshire
A book by Scott E. Green.
Directory of the Ancestral Heads of New England Families, 1620-1700
A book by Frank R. Holmes.
Epitaphs to Remember: Remarkable Inscriptions from New England Gravestones
A book by Janet Greene.
Genealogist's Handbook for New England Research, Fourth Edition
A book by Marcia D. Melnyk.
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: New Hampshire
A book by the United States Bureau of the Census.
History of New Hampshire (Research Library of Colonial Americana)
A book by Jeremy Belknap.
New England Court Records: A Research Guide for Genealogists And Historians
A book by Diane Rapaport.
Notable Kin: An Anthology of Columns First Published in the NEHGS Nexus, 1986-1995
A book by Gary B. Roberts.
Scots in New England, 1623-1873
A book by David Dobson.
The Art of Family: Genealogical Artifacts in New England
A book by D. Brenton Simons.
The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633
A CD-ROM by Robert Charles Anderson.
Warning Out in New England 1656-1817
A book by Benton.
Web site of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
Genealogist's Handbook for New England Research, 5th Edition
Edited by Michael J. Leclerc, Published: March 2012 by the New England Historic Genealogical Society.
Between the Lakes Group recovers and republishes local history and genealogy of the Eastern United States on CD-ROM and available for download. Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia.
Books We Own is a list of resources owned/accessed by individuals who are willing to look up genealogical information and e-mail or snail mail it to others who request it. This is a free service - volunteers may ask for reimbursement of copies and postage if information is provided via snail-mail.
eBay Listings: Search for New Hampshire Genealogy
Online auction service for buying & selling.
Genealogical.com - New Hampshire
The online store of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. & Clearfield Company.
Colonial Gravestone Inscriptions in the State of New Hampshire
A book by Mrs. Charles Carpenter Goss.
Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire
A book by Sybil Noyes.
Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: New Hampshire
A book by the United States Bureau of the Census.
Second Supplement to Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700
A book by Melinde Lutz Sanborn.
Higginson Book Company - New Hampshire
Publishers, printers and booksellers since 1969. Specializing in American local history, genealogy, Civil War books, and historic maps. Located in Bristol, Connecticut.
We sell CD-ROMs containing PDF versions of genealogies and local histories related to ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, KY, QC, NB and NS. We also sell JPG copies of antique maps for the same areas. All products are also available for download, which saves shipping and handling costs.
Legacy QuickGuide: New Hampshire Genealogy $
Looking to find those elusive Granite State ancestors? The New Hampshire Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide
United States » New Hampshire » Publications
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