Cartographic and Architectural Records at the National Archives in College Park, MD
The Cartographic and Architectural holdings in College Park, Maryland, include over 15 million items, including maps, charts, aerial photographs, architectural drawings, patents, and ship plans.
Digitization at the National Archives (U.S.) FREE
Microfilm Publications and Original Records Digitized by Our Digitization Partners
From the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Correspondence and other writings of six major shapers of the United States: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (and family), Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. More than 174,000 searchable documents, fully annotated, from the authoritative Founding Fathers Papers projects.
National Archives (US) - The Innovation Hub
The Innovation Hub provides a space for the public to scan documents in their holdings. You get digital copies of the scans, free of charge and they get a web-quality scan to upload into our online catalog. Tag and transcribe items already in the NARA catalog.
Access to Archival Databases (AAD) System
Online searchable database of over 50 million records from the National Archives.
List of NARA Microfilm Publications and Original Records Digitized by Our Digitization Partners
Links to databases for the digitization partners, Ancestry.com and Fold3.com.
For the National Archives facilities in and around Washington, DC and nationwide.
National Personnel Records Center
Houses the Official Personnel Folders (OPF) and Employee Medical Folders (EMF) of separated Federal civilian employees. CPR also houses personnel documents that date back to the mid-nineteenth century, although the bulk of the collection covers the period from 1900 to present. Also houses the medical records of military family members treated at Army, Air Force and Coast Guard medical facilities.
Background information, definitions and tools to assist research in the archives of United States government.
A centralized, streamlined means of searching multiple National Archives resources at once, including the Archival Research Catalog (ARC), Access to Archival Databases (AAD), Archives.gov, and the Electronic Records Archive (ERA).
Order Forms for Military Service and Family History Records
Including military service and pension records (NATF Form 86); military service records in the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO (Standard Form 180); Ship passenger arrival records (NATF Form 81); Census records (NATF Form 82); Eastern Cherokee land application records (NATF Form 83); Land entry files (NATF Form 84.)
Request and Order Reproductions
You can request reproductions of certain records held by NARA & pay for your order with most major credit cards.
Research by Federal Government Organization
Includes Presidential materials, Congressional record groups, executive agency record groups and federal court record groups.
Research by Location: A Nationwide Network of Facilities
Links to online information about NARA records and research facilities throughout the United States.
Records for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Records for Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Records for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
Records for Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and a portion of New Mexico.
National Archives at Fort Worth
Records for Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.
National Archives at Kansas City, Missouri
Records for Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
National Archives at New York City
Records for New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands dating from 1685 to the present.
National Archives at Philadelphia
Records for Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia, dating from 1789 to the present.
National Archives at Riverside
Federal records from southern California, Arizona and Clark County, Nevada
National Archives at San Francisco
Records for northern and central California, Hawaii, Nevada except Clark County, American Samoa, Guam, former Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Also include records of U.S. Navy bases on foreign territory in the Pacific and Far East.
Records for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Research in Federal Records and Presidential Materials By Media
Textual, microforms, cartographic, architectural, electronic, film, video, sound, photographs, graphic works, government documents and books.
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration - Online Public Access
Online public portal for the records and information about the records for NARA's nationwide holdings in the Washington, DC area, Regional Archives and Presidential Libraries.
SNAC: Social Networks and Archival Context
SNAC is pleased to announce the launch of the Social Networks and Archival Context Cooperative, hosted by the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The Cooperative will enable archivists, librarians, and scholars to jointly maintain information about the people documented in archival collections. It will also improve the economy and quality of archival processing and description, and address the challenge of discovering, locating, and using distributed historical records. This is a pilot project that is helping researchers connect the scattered archival collections of important people, places, and events.
An aggregate of biographical information about people, both individuals and groups, who created or are documented in historical resources.
(Record Group 16) 1839-1981.
U.S. National Archives - Citizen Archivist Dashboard
You can make contributions to the National Archives Catalog to enhance access and discoverability. Transcribe historical documents, tag archival photographs, or share comments with other community members.
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration - Citizen Archivist Dashboard
Transcribe historical documents, contribute articles, upload your own images.
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