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Original source: Quaker Records: Missouri Monthly Meetings: Fairview, Kansas City, Jackson County, Union Jasper County. U.S.: s.n., 19--.
Calendar of the Archives of the University of Notre Dame
Abstracts of various documents concerning the affairs of the Catholic Church, particularly in Louisiana and Missouri.
Central Methodist University | Special Collections
Located in Smiley Memorial Library at Central Methodist University, the Missouri United Methodist Archives houses the collection of historical materials concerning Methodism in Missouri. This includes Minutes of the Annual Conferences, Disciplines, hymnals dating back into the 18th century, and books on Methodist history. Ancestral denominations of Methodism include: Evangelical United Brethren, German Methodist Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Protestant Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, United Brethren Church.
Local Catholic Church and Family History and Catholic Ancestors - Missouri
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
St. Louis County Library - Catholic Church Records Held by the History and Genealogy Department
Provides map of the Archdiocese of St. Louis showing the 10 Missouri counties within the Archdiocese. Links lead to other maps and lists to facilitate Catholic research in the St. Louis area.
The Catholic Directory - Catholic Churches in Missouri
Provides addresses for Catholic churches in the state organized alphabetically by city name.
United States » Missouri » Religion & Churches
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