Ancestry.com - U.S. Military and Naval Academies, Cadet Records and Applications, 1800-1908 $
Original source: Multiple sources, see the list.
Ancestry.com - U.S., Applications for Seaman's Protection Certificates, 1916-1940 $
Original source: Application for Seaman's Protection Certificates, 1916-1940. 1151 Boxes. NAID: 2788575. Records of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, 1774-1982, Record Group 41. The National Archives at Washington, D.C. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
This database is an index to a register of armed forces personnel whose remains were brought to the Brooklyn Navy Yard hospital from Europe between 1918 and 1922. It gives the date of death, the cause of death, and identifies the next of kin. From the German Genealogy Group.
Brooklyn Naval Hospital Register of Deaths and of Burial Plots 1831 to 1894
This database contains the complete transcription of the information in the Death Register for the period 1831 to 1894. The Register includes the person
The online store of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. & Clearfield Company.
Includes US Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard casualty lists for World War 1, also other material on the USN and USMC in WW1 as the centenary approaches.
The purpose of this site is to honor the men of the U.S. Submarine Force by attempting to put faces to as many of the names on the lists of lost submariners as possible.
Information on Our Family Tree related to the US Navy and the CSA Navy, including ranks, battles, ships, bureaus, shipyards, squadrons, and awards
The United States Navy Memorial - The Navy Log
Find a service member.
Three Decks - Warships in the Age of Sail
The Internet's premier site for world navy sailing ships prior to 1850, includes 24K+ ships and 30k+sailors. Covers all the world's navies, privateers, pirates, East-Indiamen and some merchant vessels as well.
U.S. National Archives - Military Records - U.S. Navy Ships
This select list describes photographs and photographs of artworks or models of ships that depict types of ships used by the Navy from the Revolutionary War period to December 7, 1941, before America's entry into the Second World War.
A website about the U.S.S. Forster DE 334 during WWII. It contains a list of crew members and photographs of a few crew members. It also contains information about the ship where it traveled during her tour of duty and a battle it was involved in.
US Navy Cruise Books are unofficial publications published by a ship's crew to document a cruise or deployment
United States » U.S. Military » Navy
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