Canary Islanders Heritage Society of Louisiana
Cultural, historical and genealogical society dedicated to promoting the history and heritage of our ancestry of the Canary Islands.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Louisiana
Jurisdictions for the IOOF, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
LA Creole - Louisiana Creole Research Association
A New Orleans based non-profit family research organization dedicated to the study of the history and culture of the Creoles of Color of Louisiana through ancestral research, education, and celebration.
Le Comit
Le Comit
The Board licenses cemetery authorities, cemetery sales & management organizations and registers or catalogues Exempt Cemetery Authorities.
Database of Louisiana Cemeteries
Online database searchable by parish or city.
Louisiana Genealogical & Historical Society
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
LA-LGHS Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For the members of the Louisiana Genealogical & Historical Society to discuss Society activities and genealogical/historical research efforts in Louisiana.
Also see this description of the society at the University of Southwestern Louisiana
Dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the historic cemeteries of Louisiana.
South Central Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG)
Membership in APG is open to any person or institution willing to support the objectives and the APG Code of Ethics. Membership in the South Central Chapter is open to any APG member. Our members are located primarily in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arkansas.
Southwest Louisiana Genealogical Society, Inc.
Lake Charles.
United States » Louisiana » Societies & Groups
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