Amazon.com - Books by John Stemmons
Books for sale that are excellent substitutes for missing or nonexistent censuses. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Territory, Virginia.
Amazon.com Genealogy Bookstore - Illinois
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
A Century of Urban Life : The Norwegians in Chicago Before 1930
A book by Odd S. Lovoll.
A History of Poles in America to 1908: Part II: Poles in Illinois
A book by Waclaw Kruszka.
Chicago and Cook County : A Guide to Research
A book by Loretto Dennis Szucs .
A book by Cynthia Sutton.
Frontier Illinois (History of the Trans-Appalachian Frontier)
A book by James Edward Davis.
Illinois Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
A book by John H. Long.
Illinois Census Returns, 1810 and 1818
A book by Margaret Cross Norton.
A book by Margaret Cross Norton.
A book by James N. Adams.
Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois
A book by Harriet J. Walker.
Roots on the Prairie : Tracing Your Illinois Ancestors
A book by Patricia A. Hamilton.
Streetwise Chicago : A History of Chicago Street Names
A book by Don Hayner.
The Era of the Civil War, 1848-1870 (Sesquicentennial History of Illinois, Vol 3)
A book by Arthur Charles Cole.
The Frontier State 1818-1848 (The Sesquicentennial History of Illinois, Vol 2)
A book by Theodore Calvin Pease.
The Illinois Country 1673-1818 (The Sesquicentennial History of Illinois, Vol 1)
A book by Clarence Walworth Alvord.
The Illinois Library Book: A Guide to the Unusual Special Collections in Our State's Libraries
A book by Carole Marsh.
Between the Lakes Group recovers and republishes local history and genealogy of the Eastern United States on CD-ROM and available for download. Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia.
Books We Own is a list of resources owned/accessed by individuals who are willing to look up genealogical information and e-mail or snail mail it to others who request it. This is a free service - volunteers may ask for reimbursement of copies and postage if information is provided via snail-mail.
Books on early Northeastern Illinois Catholic Church history with lists of baptisms and marriages from 1833 to 1851.
Old County Histories and Parish Records Books on CDs made searchable and indexed. Indexes and Table of Contents are on the website for each book. Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Scotch-Irish Heritage, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Revolutionary War, Georgia, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri.
Early Marriage Index Books in Illinois
Books for sale on pre-1900 marriage records.
eBay Listings: Search for Illinois Genealogy
Online auction service for buying & selling.
Writings about central Illinois available in eBook format.
The online store of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. & Clearfield Company.
A book by Margaret Cross Norton.
A book by Stuart Seely Sprague.
Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois
A book by Harriet J. Walker.
Gorin Genealogical Publishing - Publications Index
Publications cover mostly Kentucky, also has some for Logan County, Illinois and Fentress & Overton Counties, Tennessee.
Higginson Book Company - Illinois
Publishers, printers and booksellers since 1969. Specializing in American local history, genealogy, Civil War books, and historic maps. Located in Bristol, Connecticut.
Legacy QuickGuide: Illinois Genealogy $
Looking for those elusive Prairie State ancestors? The Illinois Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide
Free Surname Search for Iliinois genealogy books. Information available for Greene and Montgomery Counties.
United States » Illinois » Publications
35 Links
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