In order to be a member of Daughters of Hawai
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Hawaii
Jurisdictions for the IOOF, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution - Hawaii Chapter
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Native Hawaiian Genealogy Society
A community of professional and non-professional genealogist focused on the study and perpetuation of Ka-naka Ma-oli (Native Hawaiian) mo`oku-`auhau (genealogy).
Native Hawaiian Genealogy Society (NHGSoc) (Facebook)
This group is dedicated to improving and teaching the work of preserving genealogies of the Native Hawaiian people. This group is not affiliated with any political , cultural or religious organizations.We share ideas, strategies, processes, techniques and genealogy data. This group is for serious genealogists, whether professional or non-professionals who know and love this important work. We are here because working on the genealogy is established as a necessary part of Being Hawaiian, as our kupuna taught us.
Portuguese Family History Collections of Hawaiʻi (PFHCH) New!
A non-profit organization committed to helping the descendants of Portuguese immigrants, who came to Hawaiʻi, connect with their culture by researching their family history, and learning about their Portuguese heritage.
United States » Hawaii » Societies & Groups
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