Bishop Museum - Library and Archives
Bishop Museum Library Catalog - Bishop Museum Archives Catalog
Books, periodicals, manuscrips, photographs.
Center for Oral History, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Includes descriptions of COH projects and resources. Features short audio clips from oral history interviews on Hawaii.
FamilySearch - FamilySearch Center Locator: Hawaii
From the FamilySearch web site. Includes address, telephone number and hours of operation.
From the FamilySearch web site, an online catalog to the holdings of Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Microfilm loans can be ordered and then sent to your local Family History Center.
Includes judiciary records - 19th and early 20th century probate, wills, divorce, criminal, civil, equity, law and admiralty case files and minute books from 1847 to ca. 1916.
Index to Chinese Passenger Manifests
The Index to Chinese Passenger Manifests, 1843-1900 includes the following information: name, age, profession, names of family members on the same ship, country of origin, ship's name, date of arrival in Hawaii or departure from Hawaii, port of embarkation or destination. The index is searchable by name only.
Index to Japanese Passenger Manifests, 1843-1900
The Index to Japanese Passenger Manifests, 1843-1900 includes the following information: name, age, profession, names of family members on the same ship, country of origin, ship's name, date of arrival in Hawaii or departure from Hawaii, port of embarkation or destination. The index is searchable by name only.
Index to Portuguese Passenger Manifests
The Index to Portuguese Passenger Manifests, 1843-1900 includes the following information: name, age, profession, names of family members on the same ship, country of origin, ship's name, date of arrival in Hawaii or departure from Hawaii, port of embarkation or destination. The index is searchable by name only.
Record of division of land between Kamehameha III, the chiefs and konohiki.
An index by personal or business name to records and letterbooks of Hawaii Interior Department and Foreign Office and Executive, some private collections, library books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers and periodicals.
Tax Assessment and Collection Ledgers
Name, age, and residence of taxpayers, type of property (personal or real), property value, and taxpayer exemptions.
Presently all of Hawaii, Kauai, Molokai and Niihau vital statistic records are online. The Vital Statistics Collection includes three types of records; births, marriages and deaths from 1826-1929.
Hawaii State Public Library System
Guide to Resources and Services.
LibDex - The Library Index - Hawaii
A worldwide directory of links to library homepages and web-based OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogs).
The Mountain West Digital Library is a collaborative of libraries, museums, and archives -- universities, colleges, public libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies. Starting in 2001 as a program of the Utah Academic Library Consortium, MWDL has been joined over the last decade by partners in other states in the West as well, including Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, and Hawaii.
National Archives at San Francisco
Records for northern and central California, Hawaii, Nevada except Clark County, American Samoa, Guam, former Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Also include records of U.S. Navy bases on foreign territory in the Pacific and Far East.
Portuguese Family History Collections of Hawaiʻi (PFHCH) New!
A non-profit organization committed to helping the descendants of Portuguese immigrants, who came to Hawaiʻi, connect with their culture by researching their family history, and learning about their Portuguese heritage.
Public Libraries in the United States - Hawaii
A directory with detailed information for public libraries in each state.
Ulukau: The Hawaiian Electronic Library
Includes Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes from the Hawaiian State Archives, digitized Hawaiian newspapers from the 1800s-early 1900s, the M
Extracted from a variety of records held by the Hawaii State Archives. Marriage records 1826-1929, divorce 1848-1915, probate, wills 1852-1916, naturalization records 1844-1894, denization 1846-1898, passports 1845-1874.
A collection of historic Hawaiian-language newspapers published between 1834 and 1948.
The Ma-hele database includes awarded and unawarded claims. The complete database includes more than 14,500 records for all islands except Kaho?olawe. Some 40,000 documents are included in these records, which contain claimant names, those of family members, neighbors, descriptions of places, land-use information, house sites, boundaries, trees, cultivated plants, birds, fishponds, salt ponds, roads, canoe sheds, dams, burials, and geological features such as cliffs and rivers.
United Methodist Church - Annual Conference Commissions on Archives and History
List of annual conference archive contacts for the state. For local Methodist church records, your best resource is the annual conference archives. The boundaries of the annual conference do not necessarily coincide with state boundaries, and some states may have several conferences within their borders.
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