Converting between 1920 and 1930 Census EDs in One Step
Online conversion of 1920 Enumeration Districts to their corresponding 1930 Census Enumeration Districts and vice versa.
Enumeration District and Related Maps, 1880 - 1990
From the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, OPA - Online Public Access.
Microfilm of original records at the National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. The following census descriptions are permanently missing from the National Archives and the Family History Library collections: Alabama, Arizona Territory, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Montana Territory, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. Gives names of persons employed as enumerators and descriptions of their subdivisions.
Microfilm of original records at the National Archives and Records Service, Washington D. C. This record is the 1910 portion of "census descriptions of geographic subdivisions and enumeration districts for 1830-1950" (T1224). Arranged alphabetically by state and within each state by supervisor's district and enumeration district (usually county).
Microfilm of original records at the National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. This record is the 1920 portion of "census descriptions of geographic subdivisions and enumeration districts for 1830-1950" (T1224).
Microfilm of original records at the National Archives and Records Service, Washington District of Columbia. Contains brief statements identifying the geographic jurisdictions covered by each census taker, as well as his name and rate of pay.
Microfilm of original records at the National Archives and Records Service, Washington District of Columbia. Contains brief statements identifying the geographic jurisdictions covered by each census taker, as well as his name and rate of pay.
FamilySearch - Descriptions of census geographic subdivisions, 1850 : NA T1224
Microfilm of original records at the National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. Descriptions for Oregon Territory missing. Filmed in alphabetical order by state or territory giving names of persons employed as enumerators and descriptions of their subdivisions.
FamilySearch - Descriptions of census geographic subdivisions, 1860 : NA T1224
Microfilm of original records at the National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. Filmed in alphabetical order by state or territory giving names of persons employed as enumerators and descriptions of their subdivisions.
FamilySearch - Descriptions of census geographic subdivisions, 1870 : NA T1224
Microfilm of original records at the National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. Descriptions for Montana Territory missing. In alphabetical order by state or territory, giving names of persons employed as enumerators and descriptions of their subdivisions.
Digital images of National Archives microfilm publication A3378, reproductions of enumeration district maps for the 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1940 censuses.
Learn Genealogy - Enumeration Districts and Census Tracts
By Kimberly Powell
Obtaining EDs for the 1930 Census in One Step (Large Cities)
For all cities of 25,000 and over and many smaller communities, by entering state, city, and street names from the 1930 census, this online search form will provide you with the Enumeration District number(s) for that address as well as the NARA and FHL microfilm roll number on which they appear. Also includes a Soundex converter, occupational code translator, 1930 to 1920 ED converter, and a link to generate a modern map of the street based on the house number.
Plans of Division: Describing the Enumeration Districts of the 1930 Census
By Claire Prechtel-Kluskens for Prologue, the quarterly of the National Archives and Records Administration.
United States » U.S. Census » Enumeration Districts & Census Subdivisions
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