Arizona Pioneer Descendant Certificate Project
This certificate honors direct and collateral descendants of pioneers who lived in the geographical area of what is now Arizona prior to statehood, February 14, 1912.
Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records - Arizona Biographical Database
The entries in the biographical database refer to persons in the collection of books, newspaper articles, periodicals, obituaries and vertical files of the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records.
Arizona WPA Pioneer Interviews
Index of persons interviewed.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Index of GEDCOM files found online, arranged by surname and given name.
Hayden Arizona Pioneer Biographies Collection
Collected and written by Senator Carl Hayden of Arizona.
Online County and Town Histories - Arizona
This site provides over 3,000 links to free county and town histories published from 1850 to the early 1920s. These histories often contain detailed biographies of their citizens.
Our Family Tree - Arizona Genealogy
Collection of family trees and resources for the state of Arizona: Haymore, Gish, Jacobs, Taylor, Miller, Pope, Bingham, Kanis, Evans, Sill
The Chicana/Chicano Experience in Arizona
Contributions made by Arizona's Mexican/Mexican Americans & their families in ranching, mining, agriculture. Historical perspective includes photographs, ephemera, narratives, oral history throughout the exhibit on the web.
United States » Arizona » People: Ethnicities, Nations, and Families
9 Links
Adoptions, biographies, ethnic groups, famous people, immigrants, some family groups, etc.