A Look Back in Time Genealogical Services
Specializing in Mississippi, southern Louisiana, southern Alabama genealogy research, lineage societies, Huguenot immigation and family histories.
Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) - Search for Genealogists Based in Alabama
The Association of Professional Genealogists, established in 1979, is an international organization that supports professionals in genealogy-related businesses. APG encourages genealogical excellence, ethical practice, mentoring and education. The organization also supports the preservation and accessibility of records useful to the fields of genealogy and history. Members of APG agree to abide by a code of ethics in their profession.
Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) - Search for Genealogists Specializing in Alabama
The Association of Professional Genealogists, established in 1979, is an international organization that supports professionals in genealogy-related businesses. APG encourages genealogical excellence, ethical practice, mentoring and education. The organization also supports the preservation and accessibility of records useful to the fields of genealogy and history. Members of APG agree to abide by a code of ethics in their profession.
Board for Certification of Genealogists - Directory of Certified Genealogists
When the need arises to hire a professional genealogist, many turn first to the associates of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. Certification of genealogists through BCG is based on completion of a portfolio of work that is adjudged to meet rigorous standards of competence in a number of areas, including evidence collection and evaluation, and clear and concise writing. These standards have been established and revised by BCG since the organization's founding in Washington, D.C., in 1964. The BCG web site offers: a directory of genealogists who hold board certification and are bound to a code of ethics; details on the examination process; and numerous educational articles.
Erwin Genealogy - Erwin Family History Service
Located in Southern California, specializing in Southern research including Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia.
Family History Research in the Southeastern United States
Southeastern Roots. Professional genealogical research for clients, as well as lectures and workshops relative to the states of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.
Finding African American Ancestors
Professional genealogical research by Christopher Nordmann, Ph. D., an award winning author specializing in African American genealogical and historical research, particularly free people of color in "Latin Alabama" (Mobile and Baldwin counties).
Genealogists.com is helping people connect to their past through our dream team of over 860 professional genealogists, geneticists, historians, analysts, and university professors/scholars. We work on site in more than 1,500 locations and archives all over the world.
Gwen Harrison - Virtual Assistant, Accounting and Data Specialist, Genealogist, Photo Restoration
I have more than 40 years of in-depth research experience in Alabama and Georgia, plus New England and most other areas of the U.S. I also have experience with Canadian research. Reasonable rates, meticulous and detailed research methodology.
Historycatcher - Genealogist & Personal Historian - Chattanooga Tennessee
On-site research in county courthouses, libraries, archives, historical societies, cemeteries, or any location of historical significance, in a fifteen county area of southeast Tennessee, northwest Georgia, and northeast Alabama and elsewhere on arrangement. I also offer an on-site photography service of cemetery markers, or other historically significant locations. I am a licensed private investigator and certified paralegal, and I can assist attorneys and estate administrators locate missing heirs, professional genealogists, amateur family historians, and reunion organizers locate living relatives or descendants, and individuals locate missing relatives and lost loved ones.
Professional Genealogical Services provided by a Certified Genealogist® and Accredited Genealogist®. Over 25 years experience in genealogical and historical research. Specialties in US South, Mid-Atlantic, and New England (colonial to present), African American.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness - Alabama
A list of volunteers who are willing to help you with your research in this locality.
Professional genealogical research in Alabama by Kay Bains and Warren Riddle.
Southern Roots Genealogical Services
Based in Birmingham, Alabama, specializes in family history research in the southeastern United States.
Southern States Genealogical Services
U.S. genealogical research, with emphasis on Tennesee, Alabama, South Carolina, and Missouri. Census lookups (all states), record retrieval, pedigree charts, family group sheets. Records and cemetery photography in Madison and Limestone Counties, Alabama.
Time Machine: Ancestral Research
Alabama. Laura Flanagan, member of the Limestone County Historical Society, SPGS, NGS with 7 years experience, working toward certification. For details send e-mail to Laura at: [email protected].
United States » Alabama » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
17 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers