Interesting history of the censuses in England and Wales since 1801. Be sure to view the Area Monitors pages for information about how various counties have changed over the past 200 years.
Reviews changes in each county based on census data over time.
Famous people found in various UK census forms. Includes scanned images of the forms.
Emigration & immigration.
Center for the Study of Ancient Wales
A non-profit foundation which owns an extensive library of materials related to the history and peoples of Ancient Wales. It conducts ongoing research on a number of subjects, hoping to shed more light on the people who inhabited the land now called Wales from about 400 to 1300.
Gives a good deal of history of the coinage of the United Kingdom by regnal years.
DiCamillo Database of British & Irish Country Houses
Online searchable database of British and Irish country houses with information on over 6,000 houses.
EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History
Selected transcriptions, facsimiles and translations.
Advertises UK local history books and services for sale or items wanted.
The Taxatio | Manuscripts Online
Searchable online database contains the valuation, plus related details, of the English and Welsh parish churches and prebends listed in the ecclesiastical taxation assessment of 1291-2.
Useful dates in British history
For the local historian or genealogist.
Resources for research into the history and culture of 19th-century Britain.
United Kingdom & Ireland » Wales / Cymru » History & Culture
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