DSL - Dictionary of the Scots Language/Dictionar o the Scots Leid
DSL brings together the two major historical dictionaries of the Scots language: Modern Scots (1700 onwards) in The Scottish National Dictionary (SND) and Older Scots (12th century - 1700) in A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (DOST).
Scottish, Irish, and Manx Gaelic dictionaries.
Article by Alison U. Ring.
Scottish Archive Network - Research Tools - The Glossary
Glossary of Scottish terms of interest to genealogists.
Online tuition in palaeography for historians, genealogists and other researchers who have problems reading manuscript historical records written in Scotland in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.
First names with Scottish roots.
Provides surname searches from multiple other web-based sources.
Provides surname searches from multiple other web-based sources.
The Wedderburn Pages - Glossary
Glossary of archaic Scottish words and phrases useful for genealogical research, including terms linked to property and possessions, found in wills and testaments.
United Kingdom & Ireland » Scotland » Language, Names, Handwriting & Script
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