Online article about using Friendly Society records in genealogical research from Norfolk Roots magazine.
East Anglia Geographic DNA Project
For anyone whose paternal (YDNA) OR maternal (mtDNA) ancestry traces to the southeast region of England, historically known as East Anglia. Goals include establishing family relationships through genetic matches where surnames don't match but a common geographic origin in East Anglia has been established & determining origins of geographic surnames based on East Anglian place names. Mapping the distribution of project member haplotypes and haplogroups & looking for correlations between mapped haplotype/haplogroup distributions with known or presumed Angle, Dane, Roman and/or pre-Roman population centres.
Historical Norwich Hall of Fame
Famous people from Norfolk.
Leidenaars uit Norwich, Norfolk / People from Norwich in Leiden
People went from Norwich to Leiden and had families there. Including French names.
Summary Details of Patients at Norfolk Lunatic Asylum
Detailed records of admissions, treatments & discharges at Norfolk Lunatic Asylum, 1814-1816 & 1834. From the University of East Anglia in England.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Research into the families of North Lopham and South Lopham in Norfolk, England. Documenting family history and ancestry.
United Kingdom & Ireland » England » Counties » Norfolk » People: Ethnicities, Nations, and Families
8 Links
Adoptions, biographies, ethnic groups, famous people, immigrants, some family groups, etc.