Ancestry.com - England Genealogy & England Family History Resources
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Essex Genealogy & Family History Resources
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
East Anglia Geographic DNA Project
For anyone whose paternal (YDNA) OR maternal (mtDNA) ancestry traces to the southeast region of England, historically known as East Anglia. Goals include establishing family relationships through genetic matches where surnames don't match but a common geographic origin in East Anglia has been established & determining origins of geographic surnames based on East Anglian place names. Mapping the distribution of project member haplotypes and haplogroups & looking for correlations between mapped haplotype/haplogroup distributions with known or presumed Angle, Dane, Roman and/or pre-Roman population centres.
People researching ancestors who lived in Eastern Essex in the UK can visit, free of charge, to check the the indices of thousands of names and also visit the over 130 pages providing local history and background information.
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Record offices, family history societies, historical and genealogical information.
Parishmouse - Essex Family History Guide
Parishmouse provides a wealth of information about the history of parishes, towns and hamlets throughout the United Kingdom, transcribed from historical books and parish registers. The information will be of particular interest to those tracing their family histories or researching local history. In addition to parish history there is also a growing collection of historical and modern day photos of the parishes. The information is organised by country, then county and parish. Each county page has an index of articles for places within that county.
United Kingdom & Ireland » England » Counties » Essex » General Resources
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