Dedicated to the surname Wildgoose and all its many variants worldwide.
Walcotts in Texas since 1840. Includes surnames Burnes Carnes Duncan Halsell Perkins Pitts Richey Rugeley Scott Walcott White Yeiser.
A WEAVER's Source Book: Uphome with Jonas and Emma
Information about a recent 304-page publication of stories and genealogy for the Weaver family. The book spans the 500 years since the Radical Reformation, tracing fifteen generations of one family in the Swiss-Anabaptist Waber-Weber-Weaver lineage.
Aaron and Ruth (WIGGINS) WELLS Family Assoc.
Ancestors and descendants of Aaron Wells and Ruth Wiggins, who were married 31 July 1790 in Mason Co. KY (then still Virginia). They had 15 children who mostly settled in the parts of Mason County which became Nicholas Co. and later Robertson Co.
Alfred WHITE Family Organization
For records pertaining to the ancestors and descendants of pioneers Alfred Talmon WHITE (1778-1853/54) and his wife, Mary PERRY (1785-1866/68).
Ancestry & Descendants of Daniel L. WILLIAMS
Williams family: Electious Williams; Jonas (Jonah) Williams; Daniel Green Williams, etc. from Virginia > Georgia > Alabama > Mississippi > Louisiana > Texas. A work in progress.
Ancestry of David S. WHITEHEAD
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Byberry Canadian WALTONs. Decendants of Byberry WALTON, brother William and Loyalist Jesse WALTON.
Descendants of Alexander Jones WINANT
Born June 30, 1837 in Granville, Staten Island, New York, died December 14, 1911. WINANT, FREEMAN, PATCH, PARTCH.
Descendants of Augustin WOLF born Abt. 1721 in Stasburg, Alsace-Lorraine, France.
Descendants of Benjamin WARREN and Ellen S.
Benjamin WARREN was born on 5 Dec 1827 in New Jersey.
Descendants of Daniel L. WILLIAMS
Daniel L. WILLIAMS, b. ca 1797, Fauquier County, Virginia. Son of Jonas (Josiah) WILLIAMS and Elizabeth GUY. Daniel married Lavisa BRAZIL (BRASSWELL) in Montgomery County, Alabama in 1819. Associated families include PLYLER; WOOD; ROGERS; DICKSON; FARRELL; PULLIG; CUMMINGS; BURNHAM, mostly all from Northern Louisiana.
Descendants of David WYNN and Martha SANDERSON
David WYNN was born in 1802 in Montgomery County, Tennessee.
Descendants of George Walters and Caroline Blair of Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio.
From England to Australia.
Descendants of James and Elizabeth Cribb Wright (Facebook)
For all those interested in the Wright surame in SW Georgia, specifically descendants of James and Elizabeth Cribb Wright of Dooly County.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Descendants of Johannes Conrad WIRZ and Anna GOETSCHY
Descendants of Johannes Conrad Wirz and Anna Goetschy, compiled mostly from a book by Charles Pemberton Wurts published in 1889, with additions by Reed M. W. Wurts.
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