'Recollections of A Busy Life,' By Eli Fayette RUGGLES
Transcribed by Peggy Barriskill Perazzo, December 2005 to January 2006 from this book: https://quarriesandbeyondcontinues.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Recollections-of-a-Busy-Life-book-by-Eli-Fayette-Ruggles-ca-1904.pdf
A Branch of the ROBINSON Family
Descendants of Samuel S. ROBINSON, a Virginian who settled in Johnson County, Indiana in 1825.
A History of The Rubi/Rubin/Ruby Families of Switzerland an America
A supplement to the book - Rubi/Ruby Families of Switzerland and America with extensive family records.
Adam REID's Family - The Descendants of Adam REID of Rockbridge County, Virginia
Descendants of Adam REID born c. 1720 of Ulster, Ireland > Rockbridge County, Virginia > Preble and Darke Counties, Ohio > Richmond, Indiana.
Ancestry.com - Wills, Probates, Land, Tax & Criminal
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Abstracts of early Virginia ROSE estates
Original source: Rose, Christine,. Abstracts of early Virginia Rose estates : wills, inventories, accounts and administrator's bonds before 1850. San Jose, Calif.: Priv. print. by Rose Family Bulletin, 1972.
Association des Richard du N.-B. / Richard Association of New Brunswick
Fully bilingual website: The purpose is to encourage generations to know the origins and history of their ancestors in Michel Richard dit Sansoucy’s family. We encourage you to participate by contacting us by visiting our Facebook page, our blog or by sharing stories discovered during your research. The association is not limited to the Richard of New Brunswick but encourages all Richard of the world to participate.
Descendants of Bailey REID (b. 1806) the son of Jacob REID and Elizabeth (Mary) STATON in Oglethorpe County, GA. Married Hannah Washington WILLIAMS in 1828 in Oglethorpe County, GA. Marcus D Lafayette REID is their only child of record. Married Louisa Frances DANDY (DENDY) in Pike County, GA in 1833.
The family of Benjamin RUSSELL born mid-Atlantic 1785 and died 1838.
Bernard RANDOLPH's Web Family Cards
Bernard RANDOLPH (1556-1628) of Kent Co., England and six generations of descendants (England and United States).
Born and Bred ~ A Yorkshire Family
Born and Bred ~ A Yorkshire Family : Details of the Richardson family from Yorkshire along with all the other names that have joined the family tree.
Descendants of Charles Morgan REID (1877 - 1929) born the son of Marcus D Lafayette REID and Nancy Elizabeth DUKE in Floyd County, GA. Married Esther WEIR STEDMAN in 1899 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Descendant surnames include DAVIS and MANNING.
Origin of the ROSSI surname.
Official web site of the Clan RAMSAY Association of North America.
Descendants of Francis RAY and Christina PHELPS
Francis Tyler RAY was born in 1834 in Richmond County, North Carolina.
Descendants of Goddard ROCKENFELLER
Born in 1590 in Fahr, Germany.
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