About "The GLIDDONS in London"
Reports on the results of further research into Anne GLIDDON'S 'A Family Record' about the GLIDDON family in London 1760-1850.
An Acadian family in exile, international genealogy links, roots and routes of GIROUARD, GERRIOR, GERROIRE, etc. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
American Clan Gregor Society, Inc.
Objectives: To gather MacGregors together in clanship; to promote, foster and collect patriotic, historical and genealogical records for compilation, publication and addition to the History of the American descendants of the Clan Gregor of Scotland; to aid descendants within the Clan Gregor.
This multilingual archive contains the collected information about the old Saxon family von Gemen and their descendants of van Gemen, van Geemen, Gemmen and Raesfeld and their relatives.
Genealogy of all GAUTHIERS.
Worldwide association for genealogical research of the patronym Gautheir, Gautier, Gaultier.
Captain John GROUT / Sir Richard GROUTTE Family History
The history in America of the descendents of Richard Groutte and Captain John Grout. Includes excerpt from The Genealogy of the Decedents of Several Ancient Puritans, by Rev. Abner Morse, 1857.
Researching Family History from South Australia. Includes database of Old Parish Register records (including place of residence and witnesses) of 1700 GRANT baptisms at Cromdale, Inverallan & Advie and Edinkillie, Inverness-shire, Scotland.
Christian GARLITZ Family History
GARLITZ family of Greenville Township, Pennsylvania and Avilton, Maryland, a story of nearly three centuries and a dozen generations. It is a record of birth and death, struggle and success, trial and faith. While it primarily records the line of Christian GARLITZ III down to Orville J. GARLITZ, other family lines are also included.
Christian GEIGER, the Immigrant
Christian GEIGER, arrived in Pennsylvania in 1737. Branches of his family settled in Virginia, Ohio, Tennessee (first). Some branches used surname GYGER, GIGER, GYGER, KYGER.
Clan GALBRAITH Association International Home Page
Featuring genealogy information, activities, and the Red Tower Newsletter.
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