Descendants of Reuben Bisbee and Lydia Cushman of Kingston, Mass.
A family tree and pictures tracing a Walter & William BISSET line from 1684 in Fife to 2002 in Edinburgh.
Stories of BREWER and ESTEY Families in North America 1636-1996.
A Family on the Move: Origins of the BEDILLION/PETILLON Family
Explains the discovery of the origin of several BEDILLION/PETILLON families from the 1700s in Germany and France.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
A Genealogical Record of the Moses BAKER Family
An Open Library book entry, published 1979 by Dorothy Merrifield.
A history and genealogy of De Burgh, De Burca, Bourke & Burke name of Ireland
The complete chronological history of De Burgh, De Burca, & Burke. How it transformed and migrated from William FitzAdlem de Burgo from France through Britain and onto Ireland to its more common name Burke or Bourke. Read of the earls, barons, scholars, poets and more who used the name and who were influential in Ireland's civilisation, culture and prominence from 1171 to the current millennia.
A History of the BLELOCH Family
Database of some 1600 BLELOCH names, 1600-the present.
A study of the occurrence of the name BAUCUTT, BAWCOTT, BAWCUTT, BANCUTT in England and the world.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Welcome to Absalom's Tree, the stories of Absalom Brown and his descendants.
Banque de donnees sur le patronyme BUON. Plus de 400 BUON repertories, surtout dans la Sarthe (F72). Data base on the surname BUON. More than 400 BUON in the Sarthe area of France.
Adam BARLOW 1804-1870 & family tree of Ernest George and Alice Eleanor Sutherland BARLOW traced from its origins in Australia.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Ahnen der Familie B
Ahnenforschung, Familienforschung, Genealogie, Vorfahren und Nachfahren
Worldwide genealogical information about BLOCHER and PLOCHER (in America also with spelling BLOCKER, BLUCHER, BLOTCHER). Early roots Wuerttemberg/Germany.
A 'One name study' of all Birkholzs and variant spellings. Most data is U.S.A.
Ambrose BULL, Abt. 1750, Ancestors and Descendents
Search for the ancestors & descendents of American Revolutionary War soldier, Ambrose BULL.
An Amazing Journey: A Wondrous Trek Through Time
Genealogy of John BAYLEY, of Newburyport, MA, including information not in print. This book was written to be read as a novel, but is a nonfiction book. It encompasses information to the present day as well as finally solving the Bailey family history going back many centuries. Also included are helpful tips to the amateur family researcher as well as pertinent data on town histories, government and various allied families.
Ancestors and Descendants of the BOONE Family
Including information on the famous Daniel BOONE.
Ancestors of Maurice (Mick) W. Batt
Ancestry.com - Search Military Records
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
BOYD military records and notes
Original source: Burns, Annie Walker,. Boyd military records and notes. Washington, D.C.: L.H. Walker, 1988.
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