Carpenter Cousins Y-DNA Project - SHERBONDY
Sherbondy descendants have joined the Carpenter Cousins DNA group as a result of matching DNA with Carpenters who are descended from Zimmermans in Germany. The Sherbondy Family Association has hired researchers in Germany and France to try to verify this ancestry. This link takes you to the Sherbondy/Carpenter group (17) of the Carpenter Cousins project.
Family Tree DNA - SLOCUM Group Project
The Slocombe Family DNA Project and Family History Page. SLOCOMBE, SLOCUM, SLOCOMB, SLOCUMB.
Family Tree DNA - STARNES Triennial Association
Stahring, Staring, Starnes, Starns, Stearns, Sterling.
Northeastern SMITHs DNA Project (New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio)
SMITHs who lived in Northeastern USA before 20th Century. Goal: to facilitate connections, rule in or rule out relationship.
SCOGGIN, SCROGGIN, SCOGGINS, SCROGGINS, SCOGGAN and variant spellings DNA study for genealogy.
Sensebach Heritage Surname Project
Y-DNA surname project to assess connections of the various Sensebach families. Surname variants include Cincebaugh, Cincerbeaux, Cincebox, Sencabaugh, Sencebaugh, Sencenbaugh, Sencerbox, Sencibaugh, Sensabaugh, Sensaboy, Sensebach, Sensebaugh, Sensenbaugh, Sensibaugh, Sincebaugh, Sincerbeaux, Sincerbox, Sinsabaugh, Sinsapaugh, and Sinsebox.
A website that deals with both the conventional historical as well as Y-DNA aspects of the Sewell / Sewall / Sowell / Seawall family names.
Y-DNA testing ONLY for males with the surname of any spelling of Sharp.
Shepler-Shipler Group Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
The Shepler-Shipler Y-DNA surname project. The purpose of this project is to try and aid in the documentation of as many Shepler-Shipler (or any other reasonable variant of this name) lines as possible. During this Y-DNA testing process, many of the Shepler-Shipler lines will be proven to descend from the common ancestors. Others will likely be found to be completely unique. We hope to use this information in constructing
Sherbondy - Overview (FamilyTreeDNA)
The purpose of this group is to identify the mtDNA and Y-DNA haplogroups of as many of my (Jeanette Sherbondy's) ancestors as possible. Another purpose is to find the nearest relatives and most recent common ancestors of the persons whose Y-DNA matches the Sherbondy Y-DNA in order to study our family history beyond the limitation of different surnames.
SIDES / SEITZ / SITES / SCITES DNA Reconstruction Project
Project to compare family lines with variation on the SEITZ surname.
SIZEMORE Y Chromosome and mtDNA Project
SIZEMORE DNA Project started 2002 to determine which lines of Sizemores are related. Over 80 males Y chromosome tested. Over 50 with the rare haplogroup Q. Several female descendants of key female ancestors have also been tested.
Provides an opportunity to identify which Slade branch you belong to and/or to confirm suppositions already found using conventional genealogical research methods. The eventual goal is to identify and confirm ancestral origins.
SLAUGHTER Surname DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
Open to all male Slaughter, and alternate spellings, descendants.
SLOAN Surname Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
A DNA group started to establish whether two US lines of the Sloan family are related. One of these lines can be traced back to an Scots-Irish immigrant George Sloan who came to America in 1754. 23 participants as of 2006 and two distinct lines identified.
Smith DNA Project -Smith Official DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA - All Locations Worldwide
SMITHS/SMYTHS/SCHMIDTS/SMYTHES forum for posting Smith lines and discussing related Smith genealogical information. We also correlate, when possible, DNA with the lines to help overcome brick walls and blind alleys. Come post and share your Smith info. Goal to identify and sort out Smith lines/branches primarily through YDNA.
SMOOT Family DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
Results from the ongoing Smoot Family DNA Project, a genetic study aimed at finding ancestral connections between today's known Smoot family lines.
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