ARAGON-L Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
Established to join the interests of all Aragonish inside and outside Aragon. Aragon, located in the northeast part of Spain, was an independent country from the 8th to 18th centuries and, while now belonging to Spain, has an autonomous government and institutions. Postings can be sent in any of the Aragon languages (Spanish, Aragonese, Catalan), although any other language is welcome if a translation is included.
BLACK-IRISH Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with genealogy interest in Black-Irish ancestry. This list has great emphasis on the theory of Irish, Native American, Spanish, African, and other nationalities being connected to this great mystery called Black Irish.
France and Mediterranean Genealogy (Facebook)
Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gibraltar, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Palestine, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey
Harpalion Descendants, 1912 (Facebook)
Ship carrying Spanish immigrants to Hawaii.
Heliopolis Descendants, 1907 (Facebook)
Ship carrying Spanish immigrants to Hawaii.
Orteric Descendants, 1911 (Facebook)
Ship carrying Spanish & Portuguese immigrants to Hawaii in 1911
Southern Europe Genealogy Research Community (Facebook)
FamilySearch Southern Europe Genealogy Research Community group was created to give people researching Southern Europe a place to ask questions, collaborate, and share research with one another. France, Monaco, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, San Marino, Greece, Vatican City.
Spanish Immigrants in the United States (Facebook)
This site aims to be a multi-media resource center for the study of this diaspora, and this underexplored aspect of relations between Spain, the US, and Latin America. Este sitio pretende ser un centro de recursos multi-media para facilitar el estudio de esta diáspora, y de este capítulo poco explorado de las relaciones entre España, Estados Unidos, e Hispanoamérica.
Spain & the Basque Country / España y El País Vasco » Social Networking
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