The virtual branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa does daily posts on interesting genealogical and / or historical events.
Gesellig Afrikaans: Genealogie & famieliesake / Genealogy & Family Affairs
Message boards for South Africa.
SA-HISTORY Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone interested in South African genealogy to discuss and share information that will help to provide a historical context to their research efforts.
The Anglo Boer War Discussion Page
This mailing list is for the discussion of the Anglo Boer War and other military related topics pre-1900.
The Anglo-Boer War (The South African War) - 1899 - 1902 (Facebook)
For all those around the world interested in the South African war,or Anglo-Boer war as it was known. (1899 -1902). Please join us here for discussions and add anything of interest.
South Africa / Suid-Afrika » Social Networking
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