Archives & Records Association, UK & Ireland
United Kingdom & Ireland.
La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan (SFRSC)
Dedicated to these women and men who played a major role in the growth and settlement of New France.
La Société généalogique canadienne-française / The French Canadian Genealogical Society
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. La Société généalogique canadienne-française est un organisme sans but lucratif qui a pour mission la promotion des sciences généalogiques. La SGCF administre la Maison de la Généalogie, le plus important centre de recherches concernant l'histoire et la généalogie des Canadiens français d'Amérique du Nord.
La Societe Genealogique du Nord-Ouest
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
La Société Saint-Pierre is a historical society with the mandate to promote and preserve our Acadian culture and language. Proud owner of the cultural centre, Les Trois Pignons, La Société Saint-Pierre is a not-for-profit and charitable organization.
Le Société des Acadiens / Acadiennes de Tor Baie
Acadian Society for the Tor Bay, Nova Scotia region. Includes families with connections to Larrys River, Charlos Cove, Port Felix and Lundy, Guysborough County.
Sabina, Ohio.
Sac County Genealogical Society
Sac City, Iowa.
Sacramento County Historical Society
Sacramento German Genealogy Society
Sacramento, California. Founded in 1983, SGGS's purpose is to provide education resources for those researching their German ancestry and to illuminate the culture and history of ancestors who lived in German-speaking areas of Europe.
Sacramento Valley Chapter of Germans from Russia (SVCGR)
Affiliated with both AHSGR and GRHS.
Saddleworth Historical Society
West Riding, Yorkshire, England.
Sag Harbor, Suffolk, New York.
SAGA-OMII Genealogical Association
Swiss Anabaptist Genealogical Association centered around Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, focusing on mostly Swiss Mennonite descendants.
Saginaw, Michigan. We are dedicated to advancing the ability of all patrons, both member and public alike, in the search for their family history. We actively strive to uncover documents and nearly-forgotten knowledge, from by-gone days about the Saginaw valley area and the families that helped make it grow. We encourage the free exchange of photos and stories from anyone with an interest in their preservation. As through shared knowledge comes preserved history!
Saint Louis Area Historical Society
St. Louis, Michigan.
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