Canterbury and York Society Updated
For over a hundred years the Canterbury and York Society has been pre-eminent in the publication of editions of English medieval ecclesiastical records. Since 1904 the Society has been producing volumes which are lasting works of scholarship, used and enjoyed by both amateur and professional historians.
The Catholic Record Society was founded in 1904 to make available the material necessary for the study of the Roman Catholic history of England and Wales since Reformation.
Church of England Record Society
The Church of England Record Society was founded in 1991 and aims to promote interest in and knowledge of the Church of England from the 16th century onwards. Since 1994, the Society has published volumes illustrating all periods of church history since the Reformation.
Knights of Columbus Robes and Jewels of Council Officers
From Holy Rosary Church Knights of Columbus Council 11841. Clip art pictures of Council Officer Jewels.
Methodist Historical Society of Ireland
Founded in 1926, the Methodist Historical Society of Ireland encourages people to explore, preserve and promote an understanding of Irish Methodist history and heritage. As the only Society in Ireland dedicated to Methodist history it is home to many hundreds of printed and manuscript items. Its unique collection encompasses more than 250 years of Irish Methodism’s history – from its eighteenth-century origins to the contributions of its present-day members.
National Catholic Society of Foresters
A fraternal benefits society.
Presbyterian Historical Society - The National Archives of the PC(USA)
Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Presbyterian Historical Society's collections include archival records, published materials, and artifacts documenting the history of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition in America. Includes a searchable online catalog.
Society of the Descendants of the Colonial Clergy
An applicant must have a proven lineal, lawful descent from a clergyman who was regularly ordained, installed, or settled over a Christian church within the limits of the thirteen colonies prior to July 4, 1776, and must be acceptable to the National Council of the Society.
Society of the Descendants of the Schwenkfeldian Exiles
For the preservation of the history of the Schwenkfeldian religious exiles and their descendants in America.
The Catholic Knights of America
A fraternal benefits society.
The National Huguenot Society is an organization devoted to: 1. Coordinating activities of member societies, and promoting and supporting fulfillment of their common purposes which include: a. perpetuating the memory and promoting the principles and virtues of the Huguenots; b. commemorating the great events of Huguenot history; c. collecting and preserving historical data and relics illustrative of Huguenot life, manners, and customs; 2. To give expression to the Huguenot tenets of faith and liberty, and to promote their understanding for the good of the United States; 3. To encourage and foster the organization of new member Societies within states, territories of the United States, and the District of Columbia where none currently exist.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Many of our foremothers were members.
See especially How can I get information about a relative who was a member of the WCTU?.
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