National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons
The page provides information about the Society, a national organization with over 16,000 members, meeting throughout the United States. Meetings normally feature talks by historians, legislators, judges concerning the Magna Charta. The site also includes detailed information about the 25 Surety Barons as well as initial information about 56 immigrant ancestors descended from one or more of the Barons. Additional immigrant ancestors will be added in the future.
National Society of Saints and Sinners
A national society for the descendants of saints.
Eligibility for membership in this Society is based upon lineal descent from one or more of the Plantagenet Kings of England.
Society of Descendants of Lady Godiva
The Society of the Descendants of Lady Godiva is for both males and females from birth who can prove their lineage back to Lady Godiva, who married Leofric, Earl of Mercia, probably by 1030. Eligibility for membership shall consist of individuals of good character whose qualifying ancestor is Lady Godiva of Mercia, England. Membership in the society shall not be denied due to race, gender, or creed.
Societies & Groups » Lineage Societies » Royalty & Nobility
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