Genealogy Quest - Notable Ancestors - Lineage Societies Qualifying Persons
Provides the names of some of those ancestors and the society that may accept you if you are able to prove direct descent. Qualifying ancestors for Jamestowne Society, Founders of the New Haven Colony, The Society of Mayflower Descendants and more.
Legacy QuickGuide: Lineage Societies and Genealogy $
The Lineage Societies and Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide contains useful information to provide you with an introduction to lineage societies and some tools and tips to help you with your research and the application process. With a little know-how and encouragement, you will be well on your way to exploring the many lineage societies out there and furthering the research of your ancestors. This handy 4-page PDF guide can be used on your computer or mobile device for anytime access.
The Hereditary Society Community of the United States of America
Provides information on a wide range of hereditary societies in the United States. The HSC site is designed to bring together the elements comprising the hereditary society community, in an effort to create unity, foster relationships, and inform the public. Listing all known hereditary societies, the site is an exhaustive and concise medium for hereditary society members and genealogists.
Societies & Groups » Lineage Societies » General Resources
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