Carl's Name Net (ResearchBuzzSearch Gizmos) FREE
Creates Web searches for name variants (takes Louisa May Alcott and searches for "Louisa May Alcott", "Louisa M Alcott", "LM Alcott", "Alcott Louisa May" etc.). Works for both two-name and three-name monikers. Covers Google, Google Books, Google Scholar, and Internet Archive. Free.
The Anti-Bullseye Name Search (ResearchBuzzSearch Gizmos) FREE
TABNS takes a name and generates a Google search that searches for the name in reverse order (Lastname Firstname) and specifically excludes the most common expression of firstname lastname. It changes the tenor of the search results completely, surfacing many more legal- and data- based results. Free.
Time-Sliced News Search (ResearchBuzzSearch Gizmos) FREE
Takes a year and query you input and generates date-restricted searches for several news search engines, including Google News, Google Books (Books, Newspapers, and Magazines are searched separately), Newspapers.com, and Chronicling America. Free.
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