A Look Back in Time Genealogical Services
Specializing in Mississippi, southern Louisiana, southern Alabama genealogy research, lineage societies, Huguenot immigation and family histories.
Danish Professional Genealogy Services by Lene Kottal
Lene Kottal is a professional Danish genealogist with 25 years of experience finding church records, probate files and military service records from Denmark.
L' Albero Genealogico - Studio di Ricerche Araldiche e Genealogiche
Researching the genealogy of your family in Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Napoli, Salerno (Campania Region - Italy).
LaBGarrett Genealogy | Specializing in African Ancestored Families in the South
Author, Teacher, Certified Genealogical Lecturer ℠, Certified Genealogist®, Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists. Specializing in African Ancestored Families in the South.
Research service in Lancashire, England.
Middlesex, United Kingdom. Research and supply UK birth, death and marriage certificates and census searches in England and Wales. Family tree web design. Online application form.
Land Record Research Directory
Shows you other researchers who are doing LAND RECORD work in various parts of the country.
Searches completed by an Oregon licensed Investigator.
Langlade County Genealogical Research Group
Lantern Genealogical Research Services
Lantern Genealogy
Laurence Abensur-Hazan E.I. Généalogiste
Recherches généalogiques & documentaires. Recherche ponctuelle d'héritiers.
Laurence Harris Jewish Genealogist Genealogical Research London UK
Laurence Harris is a professional genealogist specialising in family history research of Jews who lived in the UK from 1656 to the current day. This includes Anglo-Jewish research (both Ashkenazi and Sephardic) and also tracing the ancestral roots of those who migrated from Eastern Europe. He also undertakes Holocaust research, helps clients to find living relatives, and undertakes heir search cases (especially where either the decedent or the beneficiaries who need tracing are Jewish).
Lawson Research Services, LLC.
Leslie Brinkley Lawson, research services specializing in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Services include courthouse research, heir and probate research, historical and cemetery research, Internet research, census extraction, planning reunions, and helping build your family tree. Onsite research available. Genealogy lecturer.
LaDonna Garner is a historic preservationist and researcher specializing in the southeastern Missouri area, African-American and cemetery research.
Leaves Family History Research Services
A Qualified and Registered Professional Genealogist and Tutor, who researches English and Welsh family history. Member of APG and RQG. We have more than 30 years
Genealogical Research in South Wales and beyond. E-mail Nicholas Davey for details at: [email protected].
Professional genealogist from Las Vegas who studied paleography and can help you decipher and transcribe these documents.
Legacies Inc - Preservers of the Past
A full service genealogical company providing oral, written and video histories, genealogical services, photo management, house histories and family web sites.
Legacy Family History Services
Crista Cowan has been involved in family history research for over 20 years and actively engaged in client research since 2002. Her specialties include descendancy research, Jewish immigration, and sharing family history with the genealogically challenged.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - L
80 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers